Změna 90, byla pravicová peruánská politická strana, která vstoupila do politického spektra na začátku roku 1990, a do června 1991 byla nejsilnější politickou silou v národě. Cambio 90 byl vládnoucí stranou Peru v letech 1990 až 2000.
How do you feel about the idea of an outsider with strong leadership skills taking control of a government to enact major changes?
If a political party promised significant economic growth but at the expense of certain freedoms, would you support it and why?
What role should a government play in controlling media and information to maintain national stability?
Do you think radical political shifts are necessary for a country's growth, or should changes be more gradual?
Can a political party's success be justified if their methods of maintaining power are questionable?
How would you react if a political party in your country implemented policies that greatly improved the economy but were criticized internationally?
Should a leader prioritize national over international concerns, even if it leads to global isolation?
In what ways do you think youth can effectively influence political decisions in a country?
How important is it for a political leader to uphold moral and ethical standards in their personal life?
Would you support a political movement based on radical change if it promised to address issues you deeply care about?