Should Peru raise taxes on the rich?
Australia currently has a progressive tax system whereby high income earners pay a higher percentage of tax than low income tax. A more progressive income tax system has been proposed as a tool towards reducing wealth inequality.
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Yes, higher for the rich and lower for middle and low-income citizens, and eliminate all loopholes so that they pay their fair share. Also, use the money to fund social programs, infrastructure, etc.
No, people should not be forced to pay a higher percentage of their wages just because they earn more.
Yes, higher for the rich and lower for middle and low-income citizens, and eliminate all loopholes so that they pay their fair share. Also, use the money to fund social programs.
No, we should reduce current rates and then reform to a flat tax, so individuals and businesses pay the same rate regardless of income and other factors, but at least lower taxes for middle and low-income individuals and eliminate all tax loopholes for the rich and large corporations.
No, keep current rates for the rich but reduce taxes also on low and middle-income citizens
Taxes should be lowered and raised based off of American wellbeing. Yes there should be taxes for the wealthy but it should not be unreasonable. It will hurt those who are trying to accumulate.
Lower the income tax rate for those who do not make a lot and remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations
Yes, higher for the rich and lower for middle and low-income citizens, and eliminate all loopholes so they pay their fair share. Also, use the money to fund social programs, infrastructure, etc.
No, Abolish the income tax.
Abolish the income tax, disallow all deductions and increase the sales tax. Remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations.
no, but should all together just lower taxes
Instead of raising the taxes, make sure the rich are paying for there taxes and not finding a lope hole.
Yes, but only proportionatly
Yes, higher for the rich and lower for middle and low-income citizens, and eliminate all loopholes so that they pay their fair share. Also, use the taxpayer money to fund social programs, infrastructure, etc.
Abolish income and payroll taxes
Yes, but also lower taxes for the poor and remove all existing loopholes for large corporations.
Lower the income tax rate and remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations but make sure everyone pays their fair share.
Only for those making over $400k a year
No, and all taxes should be abolished
yes we should tax the rich and lower the tax rate for the poor
It is pointless because they will find a loophole
No, taxation is theft and should be abolished entirely for all US citizens.
No, reform to a flat tax, abolish all taxes except sales tax, and require payment/ tolls for use of federal services to make them self sustainable (roads, parks, postage, etc.). Tax collection funds services that can't charge (law enforcement, military, congress, etc.)
Abolish the income tax (a disincentive to productivity), and raise property tax to full rental value (guaranteeing land as a public good and incentivizing productive use of the land).
Abolish the income tax, replace all federal taxes with a single LVT
No, Abolish Property taxes and lower state and federal income taxes
No, we should reduce current rates and then reform to a flat tax, so individuals and businesses pay the same rate regardless of income, but at least lower taxes for middle and low-income individuals and eliminate all tax loopholes for the rich and large corporations.
Yes, but simply to ensure that the wealthy pay their fair share. It is absurd that major corporations, such as Amazon and Walmart, pay no or little federal income taxes, while the average American foots the bill. All existing tax loopholes for large corporations should be closed. This would generate sufficient revenue to fund education, healthcare, and social programs such as increased student loan forgiveness, paid family leave, and universal Pre-K.
Yes, and increase funding for the IRS to reduce tax evasion
people should be taxed on a constant rate depending on how much money make as well as the tax loopholes company's go through
Keep the progressive tax rate. Everyone pays the same percentage but the rich pay more because they earn more. Also, remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations.
Keep their tax but remove their loop holes
Yes, but only on those making in excess of $400,000 per year, and the tax code should be simplified
Yes; eliminate tax loopholes, and lower taxes for the poor.
Reform to a flat tax, and add a value-added tax.
No, maintain a lower tax rate and eliminate loopholes
Yes, but only to reduce interest rates for student loans
Yes, but only on people with an income of more than $10,000,000 a year.
Abolish the income tax and replace with nothing.
Only for those who are multi millionaires and billionaires. Everyone should pay their taxes and we need to end tax loopholes. Corporations need to pay also.
Remove all tax loopholes for large corporations. Rich people should pay more because they earn more.
Yes, but keep taxes on the lower and working-class below or equal to 50%
yes, but tax the poor less
I think everyone should be taxed based on their properties and possesions.
Raise tax on people who don't deserve it like cardi b.
Eliminate billionaires and make sure corporations are paying.
No, we should reduce current rates and then reform to a flat tax, so individuals and businesses pay the same rate; but include lower taxes for middle and low-income individuals and eliminate all tax loopholes for the rich and large corporations.
Yes, but not excessively. The rich should not have a tax rate less than highest tax rate applied to the rest of the population. Also eliminate tax loopholes for corporations.
No, we should reduce current rates and then reform to a flat tax, so individuals and businesses pay the same rate, but at least include lower taxes for middle and low-income individuals and eliminate all tax loopholes for the rich and large corporations.
No, we should reduce current rates and then reform to a flat tax, so individuals and businesses pay the same rate regardless of income. But at least lower taxes for middle and low-income individuals and eliminate all tax loopholes for large corporations.
Keep the same percentage for everyone. Eliminate loopholes.
No, the U.S. should not tax anyone
Yes, and tax according to income; higher for the rich as well as large corporations and eliminate all tax loopholes so that they pay their fair share, and lower for middle and low-income individuals in order to balance our deficit. Also, use the money to fund social programs.
Remove all tax loopholes for corporations and make sur everyone pays their fair share. Everyone should pay the same percentage.
Remove all tax loopholes for large corporations. Make sure everyone pays.
Remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations and make sure everyone pays their fair share.
Yes, higher for the rich and lower for middle and low-income citizens, and eliminate all loopholes so that they pay their fair share. Also, use the money to fund social programs, etc.
Reform to much smaller tax brackets. Increase taxes in the very top of income earners.
No, lower or remove all taxes for everyone as long as they donate to charities of their choosing between 10%-20% of their net income
I'd keep the current tax structure, but eliminate loopholes for those who make much more than a certain amount.
Yes, but only the extremely rich exceeding $200,000 a year and raise the tax brackets for those individuals while abolishing the income tax for all citizens making less.
Yes, and close existing loopholes that facilitate tax evasion
Abolish the IRS and raise the corporate tax rate to 55%
I think that if you raise the taxes on the rich, if they have a corporation/company they will raise the prices of products making it harder for poorer people to pay for everyday items, food, birthday presents, etc. I don't really have a distinct opinion for this question.
Reform to a flat tax, or a flat tax for income after poverty level, and raise poverty level to the amount of money needed for a reasonable standard of living.
Yes, but only capital gains tax on people making over $500,000 dollars per year.
Lower the rates and remove loopholes for big businesses and the rich.
Reform to a flat tax, or a flat tax for income after poverty level, and raise poverty level to the amount of money needed for a reasonable standard of living for someone with average financial literacy.
Teach financial literacy in school. The lowest income I can consistently find people online living comfortably with is $7k, with some DIY skills.
No just because they are rich taxes should be raised on them they is not equal because you are taken away from them when they work hard for their money.
Yes, but lower taxes on the poor and middle class. NO MORE GOVERNMENT SPENDING INCREASES!!!
Only on individuals in the 9 figure category and above. Continue the progressive tax system start at 40% and work up to 50%. Lower income taxes on 6 and 5 figure individuals and no income taxes for anyone considered to be in poverty. Increase sales taxes all around and allow expensive items for the poor.
Remove income tax and create consumption tax.
Switch to a negative income tax system and dramatically reform the welfare system.
No. The rich should get tax breaks so they can hire more people and grow their businesses.
Abolish the IRS and the Income Tax, then create a national sales tax.
No, maintain the current rates until the national debt is drastically reduced, then lower taxes for the rich
maybe slightly increase the riches taxes and tax more big corporations but don't raise taxes for middle class and lower class people, again, i dont really know a lot about this
No lower taxes for all classes
No lower taxes for all classes and abolish property taxes
No and abolish property taxes
Yes, and remove all existing tax loopholes, deductions, or anything else that allows legal tax evasion.
Yes, increase for the rich, eliminate loopholes/offshore accounts/deductions and lower taxes for the middle class/working poor
No, simplify taxes to percentages and eliminate loopholes and tax cuts
Reform to a progressive tax and remove all existing tax loopholes.
Disallow all deductions, increase the sales tax, and abolish income tax or reform to a flat tax
Yes, but only raise taxes on the uber-rich and remove all tax loopholes for large corporations
Regardless of what you make 10% is 10%. Everyone should have the same tax rate. If I make 20K a year I would pay 2,000.00 in taxes... If I made 2 million a year, I would pay 200,000.00 in taxes. The rich would automatically pay more because they make more. Its shouldn't be that complicated.
I do not really have an opinion on this matter.
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