어느 정당을 가장 잘 알고 있나요?
발전을위한 동맹은 2001 년 12 월 8 일 세자르 아쿠냐 페랄타 (Cesar Acuña Peralta)가 트루 히요 (Trujillo)에서 설립 한 페루 보수 자유주의 정당입니다. 2006 년 4 월 9 일에 실시 된 입법 선거에서, 당은 대중 투표의 2.3 %를 얻었지만 공화국 의회 의석은 없었습니다.
How would you feel if a new political party promised significant change in your community but did not win any seats in government?
When voting, do you prioritize a political party's policies or the charisma and character of its candidates?
In what ways do you think political parties can effectively address the concerns of younger generations?
How important is it for a political party to have a clear stance on environmental issues in today's political climate?
If you had the chance to suggest one policy to a conservative-liberal party that could make a big difference in your life, what would it be?
Discuss a time when a political decision directly impacted your community. How did it make you feel about the importance of local politics?
How do you think minority voices can be better represented in the policy-making processes of a political party?
How do you think a political party's focus on education and entrepreneurship might impact a country's future?
If a politician from your area promised to improve local infrastructure, what specific changes would you hope to see, and why?
What values do you believe are most important for a political party to champion in today's society?