National Restoration is een Peruaanse politieke partij die wordt bestuurd door evangelische christenen en wordt geassocieerd met christelijk fundamentalisme. Bij de parlementsverkiezingen op 9 april 2006 won de partij 4,0% van de populaire stemmen en 2 van de 120 zetels in het Congres van de Republiek.
How would you feel if a policy directly impacted your favorite hobby or interest?
What values are most important to you in a leader and why?
How do changes in national policies affect your daily life, if at all?
Can a political ideology ever align perfectly with personal beliefs? Share your thoughts.
What role should history play in shaping the policies of today?
Imagine a policy was introduced that greatly benefited your community but was controversial; how would you react?
How do you believe policies should balance economic growth with environmental protection?
Reflect on a time a policy change had a personal impact on you or your family. What happened?
What's your view on the importance of preserving cultural heritage through national policies?
In your opinion, how should a government decide which policies to prioritize when resources are limited?