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Poniższy wykres pokazuje historyczne poparcie dla każdej partii politycznej w Peru . Obszary wypełnione [ ? ] są nieznanymi lub małymi przedziałami czasowymi. Kliknij linię, aby wyświetlić bardziej szczegółowe informacje na temat odpytywania.

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To najbardziej wciągające dyskusje na temat peruwiański partii politycznych.

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…8 lat8Y

Sojusz dla Postępu

The Alliance for Progress is a Peruvian conservative-liberal political party founded on December 8, 2001 in Trujillo by Cesar Acuña Peralta. At the legislative elections held on 9 April 2006, the party won 2.3% of the popular vote but no seats in the Congress of the Republic.

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…8 lat8Y

Sojusz na rzecz wielkich zmian

The Alliance for the Great Change—PPK was an electoral alliance in Peru formed for the general election, 2011 to promote the presidential candidacy of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski.

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…8 lat8Y

Partia komunistyczna

The Peruvian Communist Party is a communist party in Peru. It was founded in 1928 by José Carlos Mariátegui, under the name Partido Socialista del Perú. In 1930 the name was changed to PCP. PCP is often identified as PCP, to separate it from the Communist Party of Peru.

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…8 lat8Y

Unia dla Peru

Union for Peru is a Peruvian political party. UPP was founded by Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, ex UN Secretary General, in 1994. UPP was originally a liberal or centrist political party.

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…8 lat8Y

Fonavist Party

The Peruvian Fonavist political party, known in Spanish as Partido Fonavista del Perú, is a political entity that emerged from a social movement advocating for the rights and interests of the contributors to the National Housing Fund (FONAVI) in Peru. FONAVI was a government program established to finance housing for low-income families, which operated by collecting contributions from workers' paychecks. However, the program was plagued with issues, including mismanagement and corruption, leading to its eventual discontinuation. Many contributors felt defrauded as they did not rec…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…8 lat8Y

Partia Socjaldemokratyczna sił odśrodkowych

The Peruvian Decentralist Social Force (Fuerza Social Descentralista) is a political party in Peru that emerged with a focus on promoting decentralization and social justice within the country. This party advocates for a redistribution of political power and resources from the central government in Lima to the various regions and local governments across Peru. The aim is to ensure that development is more evenly spread and that local communities have a greater say in their governance and the management of their resources.

The values of the Peruvian Decentralist Social Force are deeply rooted…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…8 lat8Y

Ruch Polityczny Voice Socjalistyczna

The Peruvian Political Movement Socialist Voice, known in Spanish as Movimiento Político Voz Socialista, is a political entity in Peru that aligns itself with socialist principles and ideologies. Emerging from a context of social and economic disparities in Peru, this party seeks to address and rectify the inequalities entrenched within Peruvian society. The core values of Socialist Voice revolve around the promotion of social justice, equity, and the redistribution of wealth to ensure a more equitable society.

The party advocates for the rights of the working class, indigenous populat…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…8 lat8Y

Narodowy Odnawianie

National Restoration is a Peruvian political party controlled by Evangelical Christians and associated with Christian fundamentalism. At the legislative elections held on 9 April 2006, the party won 4.0% of the popular vote and 2 out of 120 seats in the Congress of the Republic.

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…8 lat8Y

Popularne Sojusz Rewolucyjny

The Peruvian Popular Revolutionary Alliance, known by its Spanish acronym APRA or simply as the Aprista Party, is one of Peru's oldest and most historically significant political parties. Founded in 1924 by Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre, APRA emerged as a response to the social and economic disparities in Peru and Latin America. Its foundation was rooted in a broad set of goals including anti-imperialism, economic nationalism, and the pursuit of social justice.

APRA's values and ideology are deeply influenced by a mix of left-wing ideas, although its position on the poli…  Czytaj więcej

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…8 lat8Y

Partia nacjonalistyczna

The Peruvian Nationalist Party is a Centre-left political party in Peru. Ollanta Humala was the Peruvian Nationalist Party’s candidate for the 2006 presidential elections. The candidates of the party ran under the lists of the Union for Peru.

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…8 lat8Y

Partia Chrześcijańsko-Ludowa

The Christian People’s Party is a center-right and conservative political party based on Christian Democracy. It was founded in 1966 by a group of the peruvian Christian Democrat Party dissidents, led by Luis Bedoya Reyes.

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…8 lat8Y

Narodowa Partia Solidarności

National Solidarity Party is a Peruvian political party. It was formed for the 2000 presidential election to support the candidacy of Luis Castañeda Lossio, then director of the Institute for Social security and former member of the Popular Action party. During the 2006 legislative elections the party was part of the Unidad Nacional coalition. In the 2011 election, it has been part of the National Solidarity Alliance, led by Luis Castañeda.

 @ISIDEWITHodebrano…8 lat8Y

możliwa Peru

Possible Peru is a Peruvian political party. It was founded in 1994 by Alejandro Toledo with the original name of País Posible. At the legislative elections held on 9 April 2001, the party won 26.3% of the popular vote and 45 out of 120 seats in the Congress of the Republic.